All The Grocer articles in 25 October 2008
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SIAL 2008: Emma Goss-Custard, Honeybuns
Honeybuns' Emma Goss-Custard reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
Comment & Opinion
SIAL 2008: Keith Garden, Only Natural Products
Keith Garden, managing director of Only Natural Products, exhibiting with Epicurean International, reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
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SIAL 2008: Alan Coxon, Historic Food
Alan Coxon, food archaeologist and creator of the Historic Food range, reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
Comment & Opinion
SIAL 2008: Steve Cabrera, Southern Alps
Steve Cabrera, commercial director at Southern Alps, reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
Comment & Opinion
SIAL 2008: Martin Savage, Zeina Foods
Zeina Foods sales and marketing manager Martin Savage reports exclusively from for from this year's SIAL trade show
Comment & Opinion
SIAL 2008: Michael Jolley, Dart Valley Foods
Dart Valley Foods managing director Michael Jolley reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
SIAL 2008: Cath Henley, Tyrrells Potato Chips
Cath Henley of crisps maker Tyrrells reports exclusively for from this year's SIAL trade show
Reckitt boss slams Tesco for putting small suppliers at risk
As Tesco's tough negotiations with its suppliers continued this week, Reckitt Benckiser boss Bart Becht has said he believes the supermarket giant may drive small suppliers out of business.
One in four drink ‘hazardous’ amount of alcohol
Almost one in four British adults are drinking “hazardous” levels of alcohol, according to a new report.
Price swings here to stay, says survey
Food price inflation will slow to 3% by June next year but volatile price swings are here to stay, predicts a new retail food price forecasting report out today.
Taking the work out of vegetables
Waitrose has launched a new range of pre-prepared seasonal vegetables to make life easier for shoppers in the kitchen. The mixes are touted as ideal additions to soups, casseroles and stews. The range includes Vegetable & Bean Casserole, Irish Stew,...
Retailers urged to speak up over logo
Retailers are being urged to respond to the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board’s consultation on adopting the Red Tractor. So far there have been very few submissions by supermarkets to the debate over whether the Red Tractor should be...
It’s just talks, says Tesco as it summons suppliers
Tesco has denied its current tough negotiating stance with suppliers breaches either the current Supermarkets Code of Conduct or the new tougher code currently being drafted by the Competition Commission. Responding to criticism from pressured...
KitKat helps power record Nestlé sales
Nestlé said its British business had achieved “good organic growth”, as it announced record nine-month sales this week. The company’s global operations posted a sales increase of 8.9% and real internal growth of 3.4%. Nestlé did not give figures...
Stokes makes a fresh new start
Retailer Stokes has paid the price for aiming too high in the past, but it’s now making a comeback by putting its energy into quality, fresh, local produce. Nick Hughes reports
The first low-salt olive hits the market
The first low-sodium olive is set to hit the UK to tap into the trend for healthier low-salt products. The company behind the olives, Interolivia, said the olives had been two years in development and that it had to design an entirely new production...
Makro expected to turn a profit within the next four years
Makro boss Hannes Floto has said he expects his chain of 33 cash & carries to become profitable within the next four years. The business, which is currently being propped up by German parent company Metro Group, had undergone a transformation since...
Comment & Opinion
Our man from DRIP
Don Pumsey at the Department of Retail Infrastructure and Pricing
Third Party: Don't let your salads be left on the shelf
With shoppers increasingly opting for value lines, margin-hitting markdowns are proliferating, finds Penelope Ody
Sausage prices dip sharply following year-long rises
Meat prices have been moving in only one direction recently, but this month has seen an abrupt change of fortunes. Michael Barker reports