Chile's apple crop is looking good this year, although overall volumes may be slightly down on last season. This is not expected to affect export sales, said Alan Guindi, director of importer Richard Hochfeld. At this stage Gala is not as highly coloured, but this could correct itself as the season progresses. Guindi expects the first arrivals in the UK in three weeks. Other varieties expected include Granny Smith, Braeburn and higher volumes of Pink Lady. Meanwhile, Chilean fruit scientists believe the industry must take steps to discover new varieties, and even think hard about relocating current orchards in regions where there are untapped optimum growing conditions. Two regions grow nearly 82% of the crop which comprises 29,500 hectares of red and 10,100 hectares of green varieties. At present 40% of the crop is based on Golden Delicious spurs, 15% still devoted to the standard variety and 30% is Granny Smith. Bicoloured varieties such as Gala only account for 8%, Fuji 3%, and Braeburn and other varieties only 2%. {{M/E FRESH PRODUCE }}