They must have a lot of long, lonely nights in Wetton, Staffordshire, if this latest sporting activity is anything to go by. The Ben & Jerry's-sponsored World Toe Wrestling Championships took place in the village recently, and saw grown adults grappling with each other's feet. The rules of the game call for players to force their opponent's foot over, or along, and make the outside edge touch the footrest of the "toesrack". Other wacky events lined up by the ice cream firm this summer are World Bog Snorkelling -­ where competitors swim in the 60ft-long Waen Rhydd peat bog near Llanwtyd Wells in Wales; the World Gurning Championships at the Egremont Crab Fair in Cumbria, where competitors don a horse collar and pull funny faces; and the World Conker Championship in Ashton, near Oundle where competitors shout "bagsie first cracks" and hit each other's nuts. {{COUNTERPOINT }}
