Guernsey’s last remaining brewery is planning a range of new product development on the back of winning a national listing with Tesco for its mild ale.
Randall’s Brewery won a trial listing with the supermarket last year for Cynful ale after winning its Beer Challenge competition.
Tesco has decided to stock the product permanently in its premium bottled beer sectors, after it sold on average 300 cases (4,000 bottles a week), increasing to 16,500 bottles in the run up to Christmas.
Sales and marketing manager Ben Randall said the brewery planned to rebrand some of its beers under the Cynful name, as well as launch new bottled beers. It is also considering increasing the abv of its pale ale (currently 3.8%) and reducing the abv of its stout (5.6%).
Randalls said it had invested heavily in marketing Cynful, including targeted regional advertising campaigns in the south west and north, and was targeting buyers.
