>>Nigel Ashton, nisaway category controller

Nisaway category controller Nigel Ashton may put in long hours but says he is happy to do it for the love of the job.
He has been a buyer at Nisa-Today’s for 11 years and is now working as a buyer for health and beauty, which includes over-the-counter medicines, baby care and non-food.
He gets into work for 7.45 in the morning every day and never leaves before 6pm.
“My days fly by and I never find myself twiddling my thumbs. I think, because the weeks come and go so quickly, it’s a sign that my time is being used well.”
Ashton spends his week perfecting the category range, working on promotions, ensuring his profitability is up to scratch, controlling stock and completing the necessary administration.
“We are pushed to be involved in every aspect of the buying chain. The more involved you are, the more aware you are of what’s happening in the market place,” he says.
“I’ve always got to stock the top brands, but I have also got to deliver the right mix to allow our customers to compete with the multiples.”
He says that his category is a very exciting place to work in
because fashion trends change so quickly.
“Health and beauty is very fast-paced and there is a huge amount of new product development to keep up with consumer demand.
“Everyone wants to keep up with fashion to look like Tom Cruise or whoever, and with that there is a lot of new product development - one haircare product could quite easily be changed three times a year.”
Promotions are also key to the category and take up a lot of Ashton’s week.
“Consumers expect to see the same kind of promotions in our customers’ shops as they see elsewhere, so I have to make sure Nisa can deliver,” he says.
Ashton’s days just fly by as a buyer for nisaway