When pork is eatennIn the past year there were 984 million pork occasions, 1.6% fewer than in the previous year
nThree-quarters of chops are consumed during the week, whereas 55% of joints are consumed on Sundays
nAdult males account for 43% of all pork consumed Chops fit the need for quick-to-cook meal solutions Sunday lunch is the key day for pork consumption in the home. The Sunday lunch roast has declined in favour of more convenient meals, but the consumption of chops is growing on Sundays, while they maintain their popularity Monday to Thursday.
The preparation of chops during the week and to replace a Sunday roast can be partly attributed to the demand for quick-to-cook meal solutions.
Frying and baking of chops have increased in popularity at the expense of grilling and roasting, while stir-frying and barbecuing is growing fast among other pork cuts.
Females 45+ and men of all ages are the key consumers, with joints eaten less by younger men. Females 35-64 are eating more pork (mainly chops), motivated by health and speed of cooking. Health grew 10% and quick to cook 8% as reasons for consumption of chops. A drop in consumption among older consumers has driven an overall decline.
MLC marketing director Richard Lowe says: “There is a gradual decline in roasting occasions. But boneless chops and steaks are performing well, being versatile and easy to prepare. Pork loyalists are increasingly aware of how to cook pork with a variety of different flavours, sauces and accompaniments.”
Sara Donnelly, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS. Year to November 2004.
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