
Premier is improving its frozen meal deals and healthy living options to help retailers increase footfall in reaction to the ban on branded and small packs of cigarettes.

The symbol group said the new UK law on tobacco introduced in May could potentially see fewer shoppers visiting stores.

From June it will offer six Mega Deals instead of four following feedback from retailers calling for more frozen everyday value.

The deals will include a frozen meal deal and a guaranteed alcohol and paper promotion every four weeks.

“The recent changes in tobacco legislation mean potentially shoppers are visiting stores less, so it is important that we give them as many reasons as possible to visit Premier,” said brand director Martyn Parkinson.

“Rising cost pressures on retailers mean that margin and profits are now a renewed focus for us and we have worked closely with our Premier Development Group and other retailers to understand what works best in store for them, and we have then built this new package around their feedback.

The Booker-owned brand said there would also be a greater focus on health with free-from products, as well as water, protein bars and lower sugar or salt items. “Additionally we are trying to capture sales for our customers of emerging trends with our healthy choices, as well as big brands at great prices,” added Parkinson.

“This is early days for the new promotion as we are very much listening to our customers’ feedback to learn where we can improve. We are committed to improve choice, price and service for each of our retailers to help them make more and save more.”