Dairy cabinet sales are rising according to the latest National Food survey published by the Ministry of Agriculture. Household consumption of cheese in particular was nearly 4% higher in the year to September at 328,000 tonnes with a total value up by 2.7% to £1,624m. Following earlier declines, Cheddar sales were up by 3% and accounted for 59% of the total whilst processed cheese sales also rose by 10% to 32,000 tonnes. Total sales of yellow fats also recovered and were 3.4% higher with total expenditure rising by 1.2% to £827m. Butter sales have continued to increase, 5% up for the year, and took a 36% share of the total volume and 42% of the value. In the fresh products sector, yogurt sales rose nearly 10% to a record £748m, cream sales rose by 4.5% to £140m and fromage frais sales were up 10% to £137m. Promotional offers are in short supply in the dairy fixture ­ though Sainsbury's in Crawley this week had Red Seal mature cheddar on special offer (750g for £2.99) and medium 16% fat cheese at 50g free (£2.01 for 0.336kg). The dairy fixture has a growing presence of added value products such as Gerber Sandwich Cheese, Swiss processed cheese slices with pastrami flavour or green pepper {{M/E CANNED GOODS }}