MLC launches major push for beef and lamb A massive new £2.5 million beef and lamb campaign fronted by the Tim Nice But Dim character creation of popular television comedian, Harry Enfield, is launched by the Meat and Livestock Commission this month. Phil Toms, product manager for beef and lamb at the MLC, comments on the development of this exciting and high profile campaign. Clearly, this campaign has been developed to reflect the needs of today's consumer - those being ease and convenience. Can you briefly outline why you felt that this was an appropriate campaign for beef and lamb? Red meat is frequently viewed as a traditional part of a roast dinner because it is perceived as a family favourite and a tasty treat. This is partly because many consumers - young people in particular - assume that red meat is difficult to prepare and therefore not a natural purchase for mid week meals. The aim of this new campaign is to demonstrate to consumers that both beef and lamb are appropriate for weekday meals as well as the weekend. By demonstrating that there are a number of cuts which are versatile and convenient when there is very little time to spend in the kitchen through the week, we will dispel this myth. From Monday to Friday consumers want meals which take around 20 to 30 minutes maximum to prepare and cook. They must take the minimal amount of fuss to make and be suitable for all of the family so they need to be modern, tasty and appealing. The campaign aims to demonstrate that beef and lamb can be all of these things. Who is your prime target audience? We are targeting 20-35 year olds, all people for whom convenience is key and housewives with children. We want as many people as possible to enjoy beef and lamb throughout the week and as young people have moved away from red meat in recent years, we are aiming to motivate them into cooking with it more. Housewives are also a target audience for obvious reasons as well as consumers who demand convenience. Obviously Harry Enfield is an entertaining and high profile celebrity but what motivated the MLC to choose him for this campaign? A detailed research campaign has been carried out over the last eighteen months which involved investigating a number of routes. The outcome pointed us towards one clear winner which clearly inspires consumers yet does it in a fun and relevant manner. The strapline Nice and Simple' conveys the ease and convenience of beef and lamb but at the same time echoes the character of Tim Nice But Dim. He has a broad appeal which makes him suitable for targeting a diverse audience - from the young to housewives. At the same time, Tim Nice But Dim is not a mumsy' character but a single person who reflects modern eating so he appeals to young busy people. In addition, consumers will watch the ads and realise that if he can cook, anyone can ­ thereby reinforcing the simplicity of meals with beef and lamb. What other activities besides the advertisements does the campaign comprise? Besides a high profile television advertisement campaign, instore promotional activity will be taking place in multiple retail outlets, independent butchers and the foodservice sector. This will include meal ideas and point of sale materials, in essence, conveying the key messages from the TV commercial within the crucial point of sale environment. In addition, PR activity with national and regional press and magazines will support the campaign. What is the timing of the campaign? The campaign is launched on 28 August with an initial five different TV advertisements. These will be rotated to run through to early October and then a second set of ads will run in early 2001. Instore activity will run from September through to February and a public relations campaign will begin in mid August and run through to February. Posters will also appear outside some of the major retailers during this time. Instore support Plans are under way to support the new beef and lamb Nice and Simple Tim Nice But Dim campaign with a number of major multiple retailers. Activity which is anticipated includes shelf-barkers, posters, hanging banners, on-pack labels and free recipe booklets. {{MLC }}