An internet based business to business trading platform for the wine industry is set to launch in the autumn. Vineo World Wine Market ( will contain news, prices and other industry information as well as a trading facility that aims to make it easier for buyers and sellers of wine to do business. "It is not another internet site selling wine direct," said Vineo CEO Greg Rice, pointing out that it is not meant to replace agents or distributors either. "It is an independent trading market where the trade can view, search and sort a directory of wines from new products to exclusive lines, purchase direct from the agent or producer, sell excess stock, receive up-to-the-minute information, and even track orders from producer to warehouse." Vineo will also open doors to small specialist producers and give them access to a much wider market. It is currently undergoing a pilot run so it gets feedback from real users, and aims to open for business in September. {{DRINKS }}