It's official, our esteemed leader is retiring, but not until next June and the eulogies have already started. The first one, 11 months and 21 days before the sad event, was at the Food from Scotland Excellence Awards dinner in Edinburgh.
The worthies there are already considering moving the date of next year's bash so our leader can attend before he departs.
But it was fun to note a concerted effort to make sure they never get his name right. Led, tongue in cheek, by rural affairs minister Ross Finnie he was referred to as Mr Beadle. Others took up the theme with Bedwell and, more familiarly, Godfrey, James, Geoffrey and even Colin (anything but Clive). Mind you, our editor had the last word when he solemnly bade goodnight to "Minister Ross Finniestone".
Back south of the border, it was down the M1 to the Great Grocers' Trolley Race among the animals at Woburn Safari Park. This Wanzl sponsored bash always throws up unusual fashion sights and, given the mercury was nudging the eighties, this year was even more fun. Take Lionel Cashin, one of grocery's greats and head of the Confectioners' Benevolent Fund. He turned up in an amazing, voluminous pair of shorts sporting legs of which David Beckham would have been proud. But the style honours went to the Logobrand team. Silver service picnic kits which put Ascot and Henley in the shade. No Scotch eggs and beefburgers there. Crisp linen tablecloths, a fine line in bubbly and white wine, not to mention culinary fare which was the envy of all. Who said there's no real class in grocery?
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