>>what is leading edge? and how do i find out more?

Leading Edge is a development network, initiated and run by IGD, for existing and aspiring managers (aged 20-35) working in or for the food and grocery industry.
Regional meetings provide a forum to discuss and learn about current and future industry issues from a variety of guest speakers. The evening events are free.
The programme is sponsored by McVitie’s and supported by The Grocer through this monthly page.
To receive information from Leading Edge contact:
Tamra Detheridge Leading Edge, IGD, Grange Lane, Letchmore Heath, Watford, Herts WD25 8GD.
Tel: 01923 857141
Fax: 01923 852531
Web: www.igd.com. For the Leading Edge web site log on to www.igd.com/leadingedge

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Manufacturers work longer hours than retailers, according to young managers polled from IGD’s Leading Edge membership last month.
Nearly 70% of manufacturers said they worked more than 40 hours a week compared to half of all retailers who responded.
Managers in sales, marketing, and technical development reported the longest working week: nearly three quarters of respondents in sales put in more than 40 hours, closely followed by those in marketing and technical development, where two thirds said they worked for more than 40 hours a week. Young managers in distribution, operations and procurement put in the fewest hours, with just half working more than 40.
The overall trend is towards a shorter working week, with 20% fewer than last year saying their working week was longer than 40 hours.
Asked what benefits they would like their companies to offer, the number one choice was more than 30 days holiday. Flexi-time and working from home was also high up in the top 10 requests.
When asked to nominate their ideal employer, a surprising 14% of respondents said they would like to work for themselves in the belief that self-employment would offer greater responsibility, more flexibility, more challenges and larger rewards, plus more
14% Responsibility, challenge, reward, freedom, no one to report to, days off
6% Brands, international, investment in people, career prospects, reputation
5% Dynamic, inspiring, learning, fun, risk-taking, innovative, travel, change
5% Fast, innovative, career options, staff relations, regeneration, passion
5% International, brands, investment in people, heritage, opportunitiespersonal freedom and a better work-life balance.
Procter & Gamble was next in the pecking order, with 6% of the vote, compared with 5% for Virgin, Marks and Spencer and Unilever.
Well known names in food and drink including Sainsbury, Tesco, Coca-Cola and Asda were all outside the top five.
Leading Edge members range from graduate trainees to middle managers aged between 20 and 35 years.