The number of home breakfast occasions has grown 1% year-on-year to 18 billion, making it the fastest-growing meal occasion of the day.

The home breakfast market is worth £8.4bn, up 4.4% year-on-year [52w/e Dec 2009].

Many food and drink manufacturers have focused NPD on the breakfast market, expanding the range of products with new varieties and flavours. l Although the recession has shifted consumer concerns from health to price, health concerns still drive 26% of breakfast meal occasions.

'Everyday favourite' is the fastest-growing motivation for eating breakfast, which explains why breakfast cereals remain the number one breakfast food.

NPD is also being driven by consumer desire for products that will fill them up.

Children remain a key market for breakfast products, and account for 22% of consumption. All age groups are in growth except for adults aged 17 to 34.

Focus On Breakfast