The Meat and Livestock Commission is pushing for an immediate government investment of £25m to restore the UK meat market after the foot and mouth crisis. It says that meat sales have fallen by between 5% and 15% since the outbreak of fmd, and independents are bearing the brunt of those losses. The MLC wants the one-off grant before consumer habits get fixed away from buying meat. New MLC chairman Peter Barr made a request for funding to an all-party Commons Agriculture Select Committee this week. He said: “MLC’s reserves have run dry with fmd, BSE and classical swine fever. A £25m grant will enable us to increase sales by £300m straight away and get things back to normal.” Barr said the MLC would use the money to restore consumer confidence, and provide a platform for growth. “The industry needs a boost from the three Rs, consumer driven market recovery, demand chain restructuring, and reform of farm prices.” The MLC is planning to set up working groups from outside the industry to establish best practice for recovery from the crisis. And it has invited consumer and logistical experts from outside the industry to participate with industry leaders and major retailers in a cross-industry forum. Barr said: “Meat farming is integral to the food industry a drop in demand affects secondary producers and restaurants, anyone who deals with meat. I hope the government and parliament will support our call for these very necessary steps to be taken.” - Quality Meat Scotland has launched an Eating Meat What you need to know’ campaign to address consumer fears in the wake of fmd. MD Alasdair Muir said: “The first step in this industry’s recovery is to provide the consumer with factual information on eating meat.” As part of the NFU funded exercise, 1.4 million Scottish households will be leafleted. A website has been set up at {{NEWS }}
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