Sir; Following on from my letter in The Grocer (5 August) "Say no to the euro", I suppose my client, Finlay's Foods of Manchester is not alone in receiving a mailing from the Euro Preparations Unit at the Treasury offering free case studies on trading in the euro, together with a brochure entitled Working with the Euro'.
I sent back the reply-paid card indicating that I and my principals would prefer to deal in and quote prices in a strong currency such as sterling. Our overseas customers are able to convert to their own equivalents, just as we are to theirs. We have no pressing need for government assistance here and when the euro descends to several-to-the-£, we will make the necessary calculation, as we would with other weak currencies in the developing world.
I would hope that Blur, Braun and Co don't waste taxpayers' hard-earned cash in promoting their dearly-held cause under the guise of government information'.
Kevin Webb
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