from Andrew Jolliffe, advertising guru
Sir; Clive Dibben's comments (Letters, March 11, p26) on my Saturday Essay (February 25, p30) are interesting. But I am confused. He repeatedly suggests the piece is on the Red Tractor's role in generically promoting British food.
Not a bit of it. I clearly said I wanted the NFU to do that.Yes, the Red Tractor means a lot: independent inspections, through-chain assurance and traceability for starters. Because some supermarket offerings don't meet those standards, the mark points consumers towards food that does. And responsibility for policing and publicising them lies with Assured Food Standards. Not the NFU. I'm sure Mr Dibben knows that. That aside, British food has a USP. It's the life support for our rural landscape and economy. As I said, purporting variety, methods and regionality is vital but nearly not enough. Exclude "food others can produce for less" and we haven't a hope.
With some common ground, levy boards and producer-lobby groups could at last have a box to stand on. The NFU is the only organisation manned and resourced to own it.
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