Interesting reading though it was, the report The New Food Gangs (The Grocer, 7 June, p 25) should not be taken too literally. Few, if any consumers, neatly fit into any of the categories analysts like to create.

More important, however, is how packaged goods brand owners address disparate markets. Rather than chasing specific groups it is far more productive to generate inclusive propositions that allow consumers to adopt brands in the way they see fit, no matter what their lifestyle choice.

In the case of Brothers Pear Cider it would be very easy for us to fall into the trap of overplaying our festival heritage. Instead we allow that particular music-based audience to define and maintain the brand image in the way it wants, while we actively pursue a much bigger consumer population based on the propositions of independence, free thinking and fun with a product that has genuine heritage and high quality ingredients - brand attributes that fit with very broad demographics that don't clash with the roots of our product range.

Our strategy has resulted in a cider brand that has one of the highest rates of impulse purchase in the convenience sector, but is equally at home on the multiple shelf, in the pub, at a family music festival such as Guilfest or a student gathering like Beach Break Live.

The key is to be inclusive. It is not always easy, but being all things to as many consumers as possible, rather than focusing too much on the latest analyst demarcation, results in bigger sales and greater brand relevance.