Hello. It's me. I have moved from the middle of the magazine to this rather grand spot at the front. This switch is the first of a number of changes that you will hopefully notice as you flick through this week's issue of The Grocer.
Amazingly, it's been almost four years since we last made any changes to the magazine. So we felt the time was right to update our look, add some new content ideas and refresh some old favourites.
It's somewhat ironic that we find ourselves unveiling our changes just days after being named the UK's best food and drink business magazine (for more on that, turn to page 28). But we have tried to ensure that all the changes we have made resonate with what went before. The result, we think, is a magazine that is snappier, and even easier to navigate and read, despite being crammed full of the exclusive news, intelligent views and hard data that you have come to expect of The Grocer.
You will find new ideas dotted throughout the magazine. Turn the page, for instance, and you can discover how we have segmented some of our coverage to make it even more relevant for you - a reminder that whatever part of the industry you work in, there is only one magazine worth reading.
We have also introduced more columnists, with more opinions being expressed about the key issues affecting this industry. Then, at the back of the magazine, there's a new page called Life Matters, which is a guide to what happens outside of work.
At the same time we have put a lot effort into refreshing popular areas such as The Grocer 33 and overhauling our Focus On category reports.
We are proud of what we have created and think we have changed for the better. I hope you agree.
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