The convenience sector now has a fully working association with aims, objectives, a secretariat and a wide enough remit to incorporate the owner of a single, independent shop, alongside multiple c-store operators as well as suppliers. Arriving at that conclusion has not been easy, particularly for the stalwarts in the private retail sector who have had much tradition and long-practice to shed. But they did it and the new wave will not forget that it has taken on an established office and been given an efficient launching pad.
The chances of success are high. Fortunately the Association has selected primary targets that are beneficial to the total membership, and even if the influx of major organised retailers appears to have become suddenly dominant, it must be remembered that what they are rooting for, will also benefit shopkeepers without high turnovers or the protection of umbrella organisations.
There is much to be done by the lobbyists particularly when the change of
government occurs. The minimum wage, disability discrimination, identity cards and packaging waste are just four major issues and already work to project a representative point of view backed by statistical evidence is being prepared.
But the c-store sector is also aware that having narrowly lost the store opening battle, they may lose yet more ground if superstores extend their opening times.
The Association has many campaigns to support but it also needs more information about the effects of competition,
legislation and social change, to buttress its arguments. It is already in touch with other organisations who share similar objectives, and no doubt these moves will strengthen its profile.
This week was almost an inaugural conference as the ACS showed off its new format and structure and proved its practical aspirations. In the coming year its funding will hopefully increase, as suppliers back worthwhile causes. It has fortunately decided on themes which are not devicive, and the varying elements in this sector should live happily together under the same roof.
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