As the soothsayers struggle to out-do each other in their annual frenzy of crystal ball gazing, it is tempting to go in search of the outlandish when predicting the shape of things to come in 1997. But this year even the most imaginative forecasters would be hard-pressed to go beyond the conclusion that many of the industry issues of 1996 are set for a repeat performance in 1997. BSE, genetically modified food, E.coli, supermarkets' financial packages, information technology, EMU, Whitehall blunders ... the likely scenario is all too familiar, even allowing for the possibility that there could be a new tenant in Downing Street by the summer. The election campaign will inevitably bring a mixture of uncertainty and hastily created windows of opportunity plus, of course, the usual Whitehall farces as the propaganda machines are switched on. Who is to say that the Spice Girls will not become public relations advisers to John Major early in the New Year? But, on a more serious note, Government and EU-related events during recent months have re-emphasised the need for that well aired subject ­ the creation of an independent food standards agency ­ to head the 1997 industry agenda, whichever party wins power. The public relations fiascos which have blurred the BSE saga since March ­ not to mention a string of other food-related concerns taxing the minds of anxious consumers and lobbyists ­ signal that the time has arrived for debates to be replaced by action. An independent consumer assurance body which is free from the conflicting interests of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, is favoured by the Blair camp. And although it is not official Government policy, there is growing support on the Conservative side of the House of Commons. Since several industry groups will hopefully come off the political fence early in the New Year and voice positive views, the scene will be set for a more forceful lobby by promoters of the idea. This magazine believes the agency is overdue, and we will join the cries of support.{{NEWS}}