He may have had private hopes, but it is unlikely that John Major ever really believed the BSE crisis would vacate his IN tray before the General Election campaign moved into gear. Six months on from the fateful day in March when the first explosion of headlines sent a tremor through the food and farming sector, politicians across the EU still wrestle with formulae which they hope will eradicate the nightmare facing beef producers. Meanwhile, the controversial worldwide ban on UK exports remains locked in place. From the food industry's viewpoint the picture has become more encouraging. There are continuing signs of consumers returning to beef, despite the daily media bulletins about the hostility towards British product from some of our EU neighbours. This is undoubtedly being helped by campaigns from the beleaguered Meat and Livestock Commission, plus well signposted promotions which, as ASDA shows on page 60, are being adopted with relish by the high street's major retailers. But as the crisis drones on for the hard-pressed agriculture sector, there are disturbing signs of militancy. The catalogue of public relations fiascos in Whitehall and Brussels during the past half year has obviously fuelled the frustration behind the protests, and the angry scenes when EU food ministers met in Killarney this week reflect the strength of feeling on the other side of the Irish Sea. UK suggestions of a smaller cow cull than the one agreed in June have produced scorn in the rest of Europe. Thus the anger among Irish beef traders reflects their fears of a further eroding of consumer confidence and is typical of the producer feeling in the rest of the EU. Meanwhile, the spotlight switches back to Ireland next week when the EU bandwagon rolls into Dublin for a summit. Such events are often formal, routine affairs. But as pressure mounts for Major to come up with a workable formula for easing the producers' burden the PM can expect a fair old roasting. With opposition parties watching gleefully, can he afford to capitulate?{{NEWS}}