Steve Crabb Editor, People Management
Says: There are four steps you need to take. The first is getting your employer brand right. Companies need to establish what their strongest asset is, such as a fun working culture or excellent training and career development. Make sure candidates know what to expect if they work for you.
The second step is hitting the ground running. A good induction programme, which introduces employees to their job, their team and the organisation as a whole will improve morale, boost productivity and cut down the number of recruits who leave within the first six months.
The third step is sorting out your management. The best way to get high performance is to go back to basics. Companies need to ensure staff are well-managed and know what is expected of them. The must also have a degree of discretion over how and when they do their jobs.
The final step is recognising great performance. You don't need to pay a fortune to get the best out of people - but you do need to show your staff that you know when they are performing well. Simply saying well done can pay big dividends.
Kerry Hunt
Training manager, Tates
Says: Attracting and retaining high quality staff isn't just about what rate of pay is on offer but about recognition, reward and development opportunities.
Tates has an extensive staff care package, as well as a comprehensive training and development programme. This has contributed to a significant reduction in staff turnover for a fifth consecutive year.
The staff care package is continually being enhanced and last year we introduced a staff discount to all employees. This complemented our established staff care initiatives such as a staff lottery, savings scheme, long service recognition, good attendance prize draws and customer care awards. We also have Store of the Year and Sales Assistant of the Year awards.
Tates invests heavily in training and development.
Every employee has an annual performance review - this allows us to identify their career aspirations and development needs. The development programme also places emphasis on how people manage themselves and their teams fairly and effectively, in order to ensure the continued success of the business.
Sarah Booth HR consultant, Nisa Today's
Says: Be clear about the job. Have a job description that describes the tasks they are expected to do and the standards you expect them to achieve and how they can do that. Be clear about the kind of person who would best fulfil the role. Devise a person specification to clarify what knowledge and skills the person will need to have, and break down which skills are essential and which can be achieved through training?
Structure interviews to ensure you test out what is described in the person specification and job description. Ask them to give examples of achievements and avoid hypothetical scenarios if possible. Make sure the interview is structured so questions can be asked throughout from the candidate.
When they start, have an induction plan in place and allocate a buddy to help them settle in. Have regular discussions in the first three months about how they are settling in and give clear feedback about how they are performing
Identify training needs and make sure these are met.Give praise where it is due, encourage them to come up with ideas and involve them in decision making wherever possible.
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