Sir; I am amazed at the way our industry seems to have meekly accepted the crippling additional amounts of tax most company car drivers will be forced to pay next year.
As a 43-year-old NAM, I have been in fmcg for 20 years and have worked my way up the ranks to my present level of salary and benefits. Therefore, to have my current level of car "snatched away" from me by this government is going to be a most unpleasant experience.
I replace my vehicle next March, when I will either have to lose over £200 off my bottom line salary, or downgrade in terms of car value or cc (probably both).
As I do over 20,000 miles each year on business, it's going to be appreciably more taxing (forgive the pun) to do my job.
There is the option of opting out and doing my own deal but who wants to take on board a three-year lease, with all its resultant implications, just to claw back part of the loss. If there were a more credible public transport system, I would gladly use it. But it's not only unreliable and inflexible, it costs a fortune as well.
Wouldn't it be a good idea to get this house in order before implementing such changes?
I can fully understand the environmental concerns in this debate. However, there are so many other areas where we can help the environment which are much more easily achievable and far less debilitating to such an important sector of workers in our economy.
Why didn't our industry raise this as an issue at the last general election? So many sales people are going to be unfairly disadvantaged by this,
Yet we seem to have timidly accepted this tax which threatens to cut over 10% off many people's net salary just for having an essential tool to do our jobs.
Bernard Cummings
National account manager
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