Angry producers alleging several multiples are abusing the code of trading practice are set to "raise their heads above the parapet" and complain officially to Sir Don Curry, chairman of the Policy Commission into the Future of Farming and Food Commission. Seven months after the code became legally binding, not a single complaint has been lodged with the OFT against any of the top four multiples. But last week, trade visitors to the British Cheese Awards in Chipping Campden told The Grocer that certain regional producers who had suffered from "buyer bullying" were planning to take their grievances direct to Sir Don. One said:"It's not a surprise there have been no official complaints to the OFT. If we did that, our names would become public knowledge and we could expect reprisals. "Sir Don is regarded as a trustworthy figure who would listen sympathetically. In any case, if we raise our heads above the parapet as a group, there is less chance of the multiple buyers sticking nails into our trading coffins." Farmers touring the show variously described the code as "a whitewash" and "useless". Sir Don told The Grocer this week that the group set up to implement the government's policy in response to his report would take informal soundings. Top industry figures are privately describing the code as a "fiasco". Others believe the IGD and the NFU should make a joint submission to Sir Don asking that the code be rewritten. Sir Don said his group would look at "all the issues surrounding the code" later in the autumn. {{NEWS }}
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