Alex Hannon Founder Mangajo "I know from experience that even if you don't have a massive budget you could start a business with a good idea. For example, you can do a lot of stuff yourself. There is no need to spend a lot of money on agencies. Advertising at the beginning is pointless because you have to grow organically and build a loyal customer base. People get loans for £30-£40,000 to start up their businesses but there really is no need to borrow so much right at the very start, unless it is absolutely essential. You should keep the money for later when you need to move the company to the next level. One thing you should not scrimp on is the packaging, though. Good packaging is essential for a small brand so use your money here to sell yourself effectively." Andrew Robinson Founder Unistraw "You don't need to come from a wealthy background or have a large business network to succeed. The best networking tool is the Yellow Pages. You must also be able to sell your company to other people, to sit down in front of supermarket buyers and paint a holistic picture of the brand. Supermarkets see thousands of new products a year so if you are a start-up company they want to be 100% confident in you. You have to show them not just your product but how it will work for them, where the brand will be in five years time, in 10 years time and how it will bring customers into the store. My other main advice is to not look for pats on the back but to get on with the job. Don't take rejection to heart and be humble."
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