On Sale
September 6
B Hobby's Annual
Year 2000 issue is a Millennium number
CM Noddy Special
Peel & Play stickers
CM Playdays Special
Flap of stickers
CM She
October issue offers 15% discount on Episode clothes, plus thousands of beauty products to give away
SP Woman's Weekly Knitting Special £1.95, MarketForce
On Sale
September 7
O Fiesta Calendar
Cover dated 2000, £3.95, SoR, Blackhorse
O Fiesta Black Label
£3.95, SoR, Blackhorse, off sale October 12
CM Match
Match/Nike kit bag
SP Teazer Just 18 Shavers
£3.25, SoR, Blackhorse, off sale November 2
CM Your Dog
October issue, dog biscuits
On Sale
September 8
B FourFourTwo
October issue Champions League In-Mag
CM Girl Talk
Oct issue, Butterfly hair clips
B Healthy Eating
October issue, bound-in recipe book
CM Live & Kicking Poster Mag Stickers
OSD Living etc
October issue was due September 15
B More
September 8 issue, fashion supplement
CM The Net
Oct issue bound in CD-Rom
£, CM Playstation Max
£1.95 from October issue, Joystick & Whoosher
B Stuff
Sept/Oct, special awards issue plus competition with £5,000 worth of prizes
B What Car?
October issue, walleted Good Dealer Guide
On Sale
September 9
£ Arena Homme Plus
£3.90 from autumn/winter issue
B Autosport
Italian Grand Prix preview issue
£, CM, P Babycare & Pregnancy
£1.90 from October, CM winter hat; ads in My Weekly, People's Friend, The Sunday Post, The Weekly News
CM Camcorder User & Desktop October issue, 64 page book
CM Canal Boat & Inland Waterways
October, map of the British waterways system
£ Commercial Motor
£1.40 for next four issues, reverts to £0.95 from October 7
B Country Life
Autumn gardens special
SP Essentials Your Health
£1.95, irregular frequency, MarketForce terms, on sale for eight weeks
CM Good Health
October issue, lip balm
B Good Housekeeping
October issue offers £50,000 cash prize, plus 15% discount off new Boden collection
B Homes & Gardens
October, 80th Birthday issue will be banded with a 66 page home furnishing book
CM Horse Magazine
October issue will run an offer discounting riding lessons
£ Internet Works
£3.49 from October issue
£ Prediction
£2.20 from October issue
CM Shine
October issue C/M CD, and a competition to win all expenses paid trip to New York
CM Top Sante
October, bath essence
CM What Cellphone & Personal Office
November, Tariff Guide
CM Woman's Health
October, notebook
CM Woodturning
October, three drill bits
£ Your Garden
£2.30 from October issue
On Sale
September 10
and Saturday
September 11
B J17
October a fashion supplement
£ Aircraft Illustrated
£3.10 from October issue
CM Amateur Photographer
September 11 issue, bagged with a lens supplement
B Elle
October, fashion supplement
CM BBC Gardeners World
October, seeds
B BBC Homes & Antiques
October, an antiques supplement
CM, P The Dandy
Issue dated September 18, Swizzles Matlow double dip; advertisements in Beano, Bunty, People's Friend, My Weekly, The Weekly News, The Sunday Post
£ Kit and Specialist Cars International
£3.30 from October issue
B New Statesman
Issue dated September 30, an inserted Trade Union Guide
£ Practical Woodworking
£2.60 from October issue
CM, P Shout
No. 171, anklet chain plus national publicity
£ What DVD
£2.99 from October issue this is a price decrease
B Wine Magazine
October, part one of the awards issue covering white wines
OSD World Soccer
October issue was due September 17
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