On Sale Monday August 23 £ Rhythm £3.25 from October issue OSD Star Wars Comic Issue No 6 due os today will now go os August 30 On Sale Tuesday August 24 CM Internet September issue, a CD B Match Issue dated today, an insert £ PC Direct £2.75 from October issue NAME Pet Dogs Renamed Puppy World from September issue On Sale Wednesday August 25 B BBC Wildlife September issue Marmett front cover OSD, B, Babyon 5 Issue No 16 will now go os September 1, bagged poster CM Barbie Issue No 29, a Pet Loving notebook CM Disney & Me Issue No 204 Bug's Life Bugs Eye OSD Inspirations for Your Home October issue due today will now go os September 1 CM Lego Adventures Issue No. 6 Star Wars stickers B, P The People's Friend Issue dated August 28 an eight page ladies fashion garments knitting pull out plus national publicity CM Smash Hits Issue date August 25, lifesize posters and song word box CM Sonic the Comic Issue No 163, Whoopee cushion CM Spot September issue a, character based mobile £ Televisual £3.50 from September issue On Sale Thursday August 26 CM 64 Solutions Issue No 13, a 64 page walk-through solution to Jet Force Gemini game SP Action Man Special £2.25 for a Millennium Special, MarketForce CM Autosport Issue dated August 26 Belgian GP Preview CM Cross Stitch Gallery Issue No 16, a cross stitch kit CM Dirt MTB September/October issue, sheet of stickers CM Having a Baby September/October issue, more than £6,000 worth of prizes for mums to be and a banded 64 page Jo-Jo Maman-Bebe catalogue CM Liverpool Monthly September issue has a C/M squad file CM Manga Max Vole 2 No. 10, Manga bookmarks B Marine Modelling September issue, a banded yacht supplement B Muscle & Fitness September issue, a 20 page Body and Mind supplement £ NOW £0.70 from issue dated September 1 CM Practical Internet Issue 33 C/M with 132 page book featuring best movie and music sites on the internet plus a CD providing free Internet access CM Powerstation No 29, a 64 page book reviewing some big game releases for Christmas CM Pretty Pony Club Issue No 22, a toy pony CM Rug Rats Issue No. 11, a RugRats figurine SP Scottish Premier League Official Annual 2000 £5.99, annual, SoR, cover-dated 2000, MarketForce Published by Marvel Comics, on sale for 18 weeks; contains all the facts and figures on Scotland's top clubs and leading stars, plus photography FREQ Soap Life Changes to m from September issue, cover price £0.99 CM Super Reds September issue C/M, stand-up players L Talk £2.50, Cover dated September, 10 issues per annum; women's general interest, MarketForce O, P Woman Family Health Special £1.10, SoR, promoted in Woman and supported by retail schemes. On sale for six weeks, MarketForce On Sale Friday August 27 and Saturday August 28 CM Air Pictorial September issue scratch pad B Brookline 99 1999 issue is a Ryder Cup special CM, P The Dandy Issue dated September 4 a Swizzles Matlow Fruity Pops Lolly and commercials on GMTV, plus advertising in Beano, Bunty, People's Friend, My Weekly, The Weekly News and The Sunday Post B Football Italia September issue is a New Season special £ Loaded Fashion £3.15 from autumn issue L New World £3.95, coverdated September/October, am, SoR, Diamond Magazine Distribution. Cutting edge articles on the broadest aspects of science, technology, philosophy, culture and spirituality £ Our Dogs £1.50 from August 27 OSD Peakland Walker Autumn 99 issue was due os August 18 £ WWF Presents (Import) £2.60 not £2.50 as previously advised for Owen Hart 1099 CM Reader's Digest September issue CD worth £9.00 CM, P Shout Issue No 170 Butterfly hair clips and national publicity £ Superbike £2.90 from October issue CM Water Gardening September issue C/M bulbs {{CTN }}