On Sale Monday February 19 B Harpers & Queen March issue carries a "Rockocracy" photofeature,and offers readers the chance to take advantage of a discount at Claridges Olympus Spa L Bill & Ben Magazine £1.35, every four weeks, aimed at children from three to five years old, from BBC Worldwide. Print run will be 100,000 and the magazine ties in with the return of the flowerpot men to children's TV L, P CM Butt-Ugly Martians £2.25, m, 36-page comic, based on the series which starts on Children's ITV today; targeted at children aged from four to 11. Each issue will have a cover-mounted gift. The launch issue comed with a video of excerpts from the series, music and action. Seymour £ Spectacular Spiderman £1.75 from issue No 70 CM Tell Me Why Issue No 18 carries magnets £ Variety Increased to £5.95 for issue dated and on sale today only On Sale Tuesday February 20 CM Amateur Gardening Issue on sale this week carries seeds from Thompson & Morgan worth £1.99 £ Combat Handguns (Import) Increased to £3.95 for issue No 23 only £ Disney (Import) £2.75 from Spring issue OSD George (Import) February issue due today is cancelled £ Naughty Neighbours £3.25 from April issue £ NME £1.20 ­ price reverts to standard after increase on previous issue for the NME Carling awards £ Thrasher (Import) £2.30 from March issue On Sale Wednesday February 21 CM Girl Talk Issue 164, nail transfers (TBC) £ Motoring News £2.10 from the issue os today, a GP Review (???) number. Price changes to £1.80 from issue os February 28 £ Nylon (Import) £2.99 from March issue OSD Rock Sound March issue due February 14, now os today £, P Exchange & Mart Reduction to 30p for issue dated today. Will be supported by £1.5m radio advertising campaign, plus illuminated signs at CTNs in London, February 21 CM Smash Hits Issue on sale today, CD PW, P The Teddy Bear Collection Part 1, on sale February 21, £1.99, fortnightly, Part 2, £3.50; Part 3 and thereafter £4.50; £1.2 million national TV advertising campaign; Parts 1-7 are SoR, Comag OSD Traditional Homes & Interiors March/April issue due January 11, now on sale today. Original issue description was February/March SP Weekly World News Issue dated 2001 February special, £1.25 (usually 80p), on sale for four weeks, replaces the regular issue for this week On Sale Thursday February 22 £ Chelsea Official Magazine £2.99 from March issue L, £ Enter The launch issue of this title, cover-dated No 1, will be priced £1.Published by Pure Communications, distributed by Comag £ F1 Racing £3.50 from the March issue NAME Family Circle Plus The March issue will now be called World Food not International Cookbook CM Garden News Issue on sale today, seeds L, CM Lucky Dip Issue No 1 will carry a lucky bag with a minimum of two gifts inside OSD DIST Ministry March issue due today will go on sale February 27, when distribution moves to MarketForce, £3.50, m B Nursing Times Issue on sale this week carries a supplement on nursing homes OSD PC Gameplay March issue due February 15 now on sale today OSD PC Gameplay DVD March issue due February 15 now on sale today FREQ Popular Wordsearch Title changes to m from relaunch issue on sale today NAME Q+Crosswords Issue No 23 will be the last to be published with this title. Will relaunch with the title Popular Crosswords £ Sporting Gun £2.70 from March issue OSD Zoe for Girls Issue No 21 due on February 15 now on sale today On Sale Friday February 23 Saturday February 24 OSD All About Dogs Feb/March issue on sale today L, P Cd:uk Magazine Launch issue on sale today, £1.80, first magazine based on the popular TV programme, from AtticFutura; target market is 11 to 16-year-olds interested in the pop market. Supported by a £2.5m launch marketing spend DIST Canoe & Kayak Distribution moves to MMC from the April issue on sale today, £2.95, m CM, P Shout Issue No 209, flower bead bracelet, press publicity £, CM What DVD £3.25 for March, May and December issue, which will carry DVD covermounts {{CTN }}