The lack of decent summer weather, plus the foot and mouth crisis, has led to a downturn in sales for independent grocers compared with a year ago. In this month's poll of 100 readers of The Grocer, 44% said sales were up on this time last year, compared with 56% last month. Additionally, 41% reported sales at the same level as 12 months ago, while 15% said they were worse. There was less optimism about future turnover. Last month, 68% predicted an upturn in the following three months, but this month the figure fell to 63%, with 27% expecting no change and 10% believing sales would decline. There was better news when it came to net profits, with 37% claiming an improvement in this area, compared to 32% last month. However, those reporting no change dropped from 46% to 27%, while 27% said net profit had declined, compared to 22% last month. It is interesting to note that those reporting a decline in profit blamed it on both the bad weather and the foot and mouth outbreak. The number of retailers planning to step up investment in their businesses jumped from 30% to 43%. There was a swing when it came to shoppers' perception of neighbourhood stores, with 75% of retailers questioned claiming their customers viewed them as competitive on price, compared with 93% last month. Twenty one per cent rated their wholesaler as "very good" on price, range and stock levels -- the same quota as last month ­ while 58% believed they were good and 7% said they were poor. The best selling products over the last month were cigarettes, bread, milk, newspapers, beer and confectionery. Individual brands that featured highly were Coca-Cola, Kit Kat, Lambert & Butler cigarettes, Mars, Stella Artois and Walkers crisps. Among promotions highlighted by retailers were Stella's eight for the price of seven offer, countline confectionery at four for £1 and free drinking glasses with Coca-Cola. {{GROCER CLUB }}