The Food Police have been far too quiet in recent months, so I suppose it was to be expected that they would return with a bit of a bang. I am referring, of course, to the Lunchboxes from Hell' stories that were circulating this week, courtesy of our friends in the Food Commission, the pressure group that likes to masquerade as some sort of official body.
This week, the industry stands accused of trying to poison kids by foisting the likes of Sunny D, Dairylea Lunchables and Winders upon them. And it has been accused by the 800 members of the so called Parents' Jury. Powerful stuff. Little wonder it struck such a chord with the tabloids, particularly as the issue of nutrition and diet is an emotive one when it involves children, and that's why it never fails to capture headlines.
Clearly, manufacturers, retailers, the government and whether we like it or not groups such as the Food Commission all have a role to play in nurturing a sensible debate about the foods we eat.
But turning to this week's controversy, parents have to take some sort of responsibility for what they feed their children and their role in the future health of this nation is all too often overlooked.
There are those who argue parents have trouble understanding the complexities of what constitutes a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. But they are ignoring the fact that the basics are pretty well known. In short: anybody with children who claims not to know that an apple is better than a snack bar, water is better than a soft drink, and that a game of football is better than sitting in front of a computer screen, have only themselves to blame if their kids turn into fatties with health problems.
Taken in moderation, as occasional treats or snacks, the products demonised this week are perfectly acceptable in any balanced diet. Better still, they are also great fun for kids. Now, I know the Food Police don't believe in having fun with food, but most sensible parents do. And that's why those products sell so well.
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