Grace loves working for an organisation that helps connect consumers with producers

Grace loves working for an organisation that helps connect consumers with producers

Name: Grace Niblock

Age: 23

Job title: buying admin assistant

Company: Farmdrop

Education: studied biology at the University of Bristol with a focus on plant biology and food security


How did you end up working for Farmdrop?

Whilst studying biology at university I became more conscious of where our food comes from and the impact its production and distribution can have on the environment and economy. This prompted me to start an organisation called UniRoots that promotes local food and producers to students with funding I received from the School for Social Entrepreneurs’ Lloyds Bank Social Entrepreneurs Programme. When I graduated I knew I wanted to continue working in the area and so Farmdrop was the perfect opportunity.

Explain your job to us in a sentence (or two)

I work mainly with the buying team but also other teams such as Supply Chain and Innovation & Growth. We connect hundreds of independent and sustainable food producers with their local customers using mobile apps and a fleet of electric delivery vans. I am responsible for most of the producer communication, support, issue resolution, reporting and monitoring the produce through the supply chain.

Read more: 10 graduates and apprentices share their tips for how to land your dream food job

What does a typical day look like for you?

We deal with producers that deliver to the Farmdrop hub every day, and with a very short turn-around to get this produce to our customers, we’re always kept on our toes. Some days I will be working with the buyers researching new producers and listing products, whilst on others I may be working with operations developing ways to get the right produce to the customers in the most efficient way.

Tell us about how you went about applying for your job. What was the process like?

Farmdrop was a brand I was already aware of as I’ve always had a keen interest in how our food choices can have a positive impact on the economy and our environment. When I noticed that the company was hiring I applied straight away. The interview process was in-depth but relaxed, I met the whole team during the interview process and everyone was really friendly, making me feel comfortable before I even started. It felt like everyone was included in the decision too, which was a great platform to start on.

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What’s the best part about working for a food company?

Farmdrop provides a platform for producers to promote and sell their produce fairly and seeing the positive impact this has on their business is truly rewarding. Customer feedback is also really encouraging, and it’s great to see a growing interest in access to quality produce.

And what’s the biggest misconception people have about working in food & drink?

The complexity of the process of getting food from a local producer to the consumer on a daily basis is the biggest misconception. There are so many variables I wouldn’t have even considered before working at Farmdrop. But that is part of the reason I find my job so interesting. Using specialist technology, Farmdrop is actually helping to simplify the process, making it easier for local food to reach the customer’s plate quicker and creating wider access to high quality, fresh produce.  

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