Job title: Joint managing director
Company name: Prestat/Marasus Petit Fours
Sales: £4m
HQ location: Park Royal
Number of employees: 35

What's it like to work for your company? Exhausting, exhilarating and full of chocolate.

Why is it a good employer? My brother Bill and I always find the time to listen to all members of the team, and sometimes each other.

What's the best thing about working there? Knowing that you are supplying many of the great names in retail and chocolate and, of course, the Queen.

Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Chocolate massages! No, just joking. We sponsor market price information SMS to the agricultural communities where much of our chocolate originates.

How does the company differ from its rivals? We are involved in every stage of a product's development, from the 'eureka moment' through to the recipe design, couverture selection, production method, the yummy tasting bit, packing and packaging design right through to retail, PR support and customer satisfaction.

Is there a definable company culture? We like a challenge.

If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Bristol: a car known for its discreet elegance, something to be truly appreciated.

What's the training like and what qualifications can I earn? The greatest qualification is the trust earned through being a team player. This leads to greater responsibility.

Has the company won any awards or been recognised in the past few years as an employer? We win lovely Great Taste Awards for ourselves and also for our clients.

What's your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Retaining for the third year running our BRC Grade A*. It's the top grade, and receiving it so often just about beats meeting the Queen.

What is the most important or challenging human resources issue that you are dealing with at the moment, or are readying yourself to deal with? It's a tough job to manage the shifts and ensure that we have enough skilled people working through the joys of the Christmas build-up.

Are you looking for any people right now and, if so, where? We're full at the moment but always interested in people with skills.

How does one go about applying for a job? It's best to look online at our site,

What tips would you offer jobseekers? Know more about us than we know about you and support Chelsea FC: Bill's a season ticket holder.

How do I find out more about the company? First eat the chocolate, then look online.

Are you, or is the company, working on anything exciting right now that you can tell us about? Yes. We are hoping to launch Prestat in the US. It's very challenging but we're well on our way!
