What was your first-ever job? I had paper rounds when growing up but my first proper job was as a Costa Brava holiday rep.

What’s been your worst job interview? For my university placement year I had my first-ever competency-based interview with a major retailer and I was truly underprepared.

What was the first music single you bought? The B-52s’ Love Shack.

How do you describe your job to your mates? I keep it simple and say I lead an ice cream and biscuit business.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?Seeing the team develop and grow as individuals.

What is the least rewarding part? Delayed flights or problems with transport are frustrating.

What is your motto in life? Do not worry about what you cannot control, only what you can.

What’s your nickname? At work it is Ice Cream Tony but outside work my friends call me Tone.

If you were allowed one dream perk what would it be? Working above a chocolate factory means that chocolate, biscuits and ice cream are always available! Otherwise it would have to be a Bentley company car.

What’s your favourite movie? The Shawshank Redemption, with Boiler Room a close second.

What’s been your most embarrassing moment? When at school, I managed to get myself stuck under an obstacle course cargo net in front of over 1,000 people during sports day I lost the race by some distance.

Any phobias? Spiders are a real issue.

Which celebrity would you pick to join your staff?Stephen Fry as he is sharp, witty and, based on all his achievements, is very adaptable to new challenges.

If you could change one thing in grocery what would it be? I would close the gap between operations and commercial teams in both manufacturers and retailers. Both can offer great insights to deliver improved results, which are sometimes lost through a lack of understanding.

Your desert island luxury? I enjoy keeping fit so I would take my TRX (a suspension trainer giving a full body workout).

What animal best reflects your personality? A penguin, because I like spending time with groups of friends and do not let big issues stand in my way.