Name: Becki Murphy
Job title: Sales & administration support
Company: Bravura Foods
Sales: £3.2m
HQ: Regent Street, London
Number of employees: Six
What’s it like to work for your company? Busy, fastpaced, interesting and fun. You are constantly learning and always on the go.
Why is it a good employer? That’s easy – it cares about the staff! Bravura Foods has three core values: passion, ethics and flair.
What’s the best thing about working there? The best thing for me is the team. We work together and it feels like being with an extension of family.
Does the company offer any unusual benefits? Yes, an extra day off for your birthday, which is nice!
How does the company differ from its rivals? From the moment you get involved with Bravura Foods you know you are going to be looked after. We are professional, enthusiastic and hardworking. Each one of us is very focused and committed to the company and we want our customers to succeed and grow the same way we do.
Is there a definable company culture? Yes, our company has a strong moral backbone and because of that, it breeds a culture of openness mixed with fun. Everybody’s ideas are welcome and we celebrate individuality.
If the company were a car what would it be and why? A Lotus Exige – aesthetically unusual and compact, hard to copy and with power at the ready when you need it.
What’s the training like and what qualifications can I earn? That depends on you and what you want to learn and achieve. Bravura Foods is devoted to taking care of the staff and help wherever possible. I am currently training in finance and I am also set to do a CIM course in social media.
Has the company won any awards or been recognised in the past few years as an employer? Our Panda products have been nominated for several awards in the overall food and drink category as well as various vegan and vegetarian awards.
What’s your proudest achievement of the past 12 months? Seeing how Bravura Foods has become established and knowing that I have been a key figure in helping this happen. Also developing a strong following for our products on Facebook and Twitter.
Are you looking for any people right now and, if so, where? We are looking to recruit a product manager to work in the marketing function on Panda and other NPD projects.
How does one go about applying for a job? Send in your CV and covering letter to What tips would you offer jobseekers? Be yourself, be honest and be willing to learn and work hard. The staff at Bravura are passionate about what they do and that’s what we want to see from jobseekers!
How do I find out more about the company? Visit our company website,
Are you, or is the company, working on anything exciting right now that you can tell us about? Yes, after hundreds of customer requests, we are poised to launch a Panda blueberry flavoured liquorice bar.
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