Sainsbury is developing its instore eating offer with the roll out of Starbucks concessions and a Comfortable Café concept.
It plans to open Starbucks coffee concessions at 20 more stores after its initial introduction into 30 stores.
And Sainsbury has now opened 12 new Comfortable Cafés after launching the concept at its refurbished Purley Way, Croydon, store in December last year.
The format developed from customer research, and is designed to broaden the appeal of Sainsbury restaurants.
It also offers a wider menu than existing instore cafés, including high quality coffees, and a more modern and comfortable environment.
Sainsbury said that initial results and customer feedback on the Comfortable Café had been excellent and future roll out would be decided on a store-by-store basis.
A spokeswoman said: "The range of eating options differentiates the Comfortable Café from the Starbucks offer, and while they do not yet occupy the same site, there is evidence to suggest that both a Sainsbury's restaurant and Starbucks could do so successfully."

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