Despite heavy price promotions over the last two years, few new consumers have been brought into the bacon market, according to Dutch Meat Board md Robert Smith. "Price promotions have done nothing to make bacon interesting ­ all they done is reward existing users," he said. "Household penetration has slipped ­ and if you reckon existing users filled their freezers whenever they saw a promotion, that's why." TN Sofres figures for the 52 weeks ending June 25 put the total meat market at £4bn, with 2% year-on-year growth. Of this, bacon is worth £759m, but with 5% year on year expenditure growth. "People are spending more on rashers ­ and the average price is up 3% at £5.21 a kilo, even if the four weekly penetration is down 4%. But when people talk about range reviews, why do they always focus on pack sizes and colours? Bacon deserves better than that." Given consumers' strong attachment to bacon, Smith is disappointed that the retailers do not reflect this. "Take the deli counter: the cheese looks great, so do the cooked meats. And you get to bacon. What happened?" With average purchase weights of 892g at the serveover, it would be a brave retailer who would cut the counter and expect shoppers to buy as much in prepacks. {{PROVISIONS }}
