Nestle HQ

Nestlé UK and Ireland is entering a partnership with Sheffield Hallam University to develop projects to improve efficiency and deliver cost savings across the food supply chain.

Working with the University’s National Centre for Excellence for Food Engineering, businesses and researchers will work on projects within science, engineering and technology.

The centre will receive more than £2.25m in funding from Innovate UK to run three projects.

One will focus on the carbon footprint of the 40-metre long ovens used by Nestlé UK to manufacture Kit Kats, developing a heat recovery solution to drive energy efficiency.

In another, engineers will work with Nestlé, First Milk and Foss to reduce raw milk supply chain wastage by 3%.

The last project will see the University work with Dext Heat Recovery and the William Jackson Food Group. They will look at a product that recycles the wasted heat from industrial kitchens.