Scrub Daddy Dish Daddy

Winner – Scrub Daddy Dish Daddy 

Any product that can alleviate the chore of scrubbing dishes will go down a treat with busy shoppers, which is why this soap dispensing dish wand from Scrub Daddy walked away with top spot in the household category. It represented a really “innovative and user-friendly” solution, said our judges, that was both easy to use and highly effective. They also loved the design of the easy-grip handle and the simple way to change the head, which used a hook and loop mechanism to reduce plastic waste.

Putting it straight to the test, our judges said it even cleaned pans and baking trays “easily” with minimal effort, and had the potential to become a sink staple for many households looking to make a mundane household task that much quicker and easier. It really stands out in an otherwise heavily commoditised category, they said, which is no easy feat.

Free-standing and self-draining, the dish wand was also packaged with clear instructions, and more than justified its premium price point.


  • Cert Anti Viral Surface Cleaner



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The Grocer’s New Product Awards 2022: value shines through among winners