Phew! I'm still catching my breath from the Grocer's Great Trolley Race at the weekend. Don't think the Imperial War Museum at Duxford knew what had hit it. Great backdrop to hold an event like that. As we raced round the track a few guys were practising manoevres on the second world war tanks behind us ­ but I bet their tactics weren't as explosive as all the panting and pushing that went on in our hard fought races. Oh, and well done you guys at Somerfield ­ they beat everyone hands down, both on the race track and in raising the most money for the NGBF. I also learnt a handy tip while we were customising our trolley for the race: Flora is great for getting silver spray paint off your fingers! Back in the wider world, I was called to a press conference on ID cards by the Portman Group I quickly realised how much the e-revolution is taking its toll on such gatherings. There were seats for 40, but less than a dozen hacks turned up. The reason being that the rest of the scribblers had asked for the press release by email so they wouldn't have to waste precious time away from their desks. No doubt their stories will be fully researched ­ by email. Somerfield may have killed off its 24-7 home shopping service, but the name itselfisn't dead and buried. I went to Wembley Stadium last week and found 24-7 live and kicking as the name of Tina Turner's current concert tour. Tina obviously likes the name as much as Somerfield did. It's one of her song numbers and she marched around the stage yelling 24-7 at full volume. Pity Somerfield's home shopping service didn't capitalise on the publicity potential of this tour. {{COUNTERPOINT }}