When salamiis eaten
* In the last year, salami occasions increased 3.4% to 45.1 million
* Saturday and Sunday are the key days of the week for salami consumption, accounting for 37% of all consumption
* Practicality and enjoyment are the key drivers of consumption
Salami is enjoyed at lunchtime for sheer convenience.
Salami is popular with most consumers but adults aged 45-64 are the core consumers, accounting for 29% of all consumption. This age group has also increased its consumption of salami over the last year (males by 50% and females by 16%).
Males 17-24 and females 35-45 also over-index on salami and are therefore more likely to consume the product than other consumer groups.
Salami is eaten mostly at lunchtime - 53% of all occasions are consumed between noon and 3pm. It is consumed as both a main meal (50%) and as a light meal (43%). It is consumed most frequently as part of a sandwich. It is a hassle-free, convenient option and thus does well at lunch when consumers are most likely to require a quick but tasty hit.
Salami is consumed most frequently at weekends (19% on a Saturday and 18% on a Sunday). Consumers are more likely to consume products for the primary reason of enjoyment at the weekend when they have more time to relax. This reflects why the reason ‘favourite’ accounts for 27% of all salami consumption.
Salami also does well on a Monday (17% of all occasions).
Consumers cited ‘needed using up’ as an important reason for the consumption of salami (18% of all occasions).
Salami is most likely to be consumed in a household of two (38%) or four (28%).
Esther Cunningham, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS
Year to November 2004. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: cucumbers