Game 1

The most basic version of the game. Children pick a nutrient on the card which is coloured under the FSA's traffic-light labelling system. A green light beats a card that has an amber light, which beats a red light.

Game 2

Players focus on the nutritional content based on a 100g serving and use a 'high score wins' approach. Players need to pick a nutrient category on their card that will have a higher gram value than their opponents' cards.

Game 3

An extension of Game 2 that introduces the gold, silver and bronze grouping. This time a high or low score can be chosen. To win, a player must either pick a bronze nutrient with a low score, a gold nutrient with a high score or a silver nutrient, and choose whether to play high or low with it.

Game 4

This game is played using information on Guideline Daily Amounts. Once again children can choose whether they want to play with a high or low score to win depending on whether the nutrient is gold, silver or bronze.

Game 5

This is the closest equivalent to the situation a child faces in the supermarket. All the data on the card may be used at any time - with either a high or low call - to try and win the opponents' cards. A child must understand the relevance of all the information the card provides to decide which is their strongest move.

And another idea...

The cards can also be used in class or for homework. Children select a bread card and two other product ingredient cards to make up a sandwich. They then have to calculate how much that sandwich contributes to their GDA for different nutrients, and how many sandwiches they could consume to stay within the guidelines.