from Sue Aitken, marketing and development director, Translucis
Sir; Mike Parker of Channel 4 is right, of course, when he says that TV advertising generates an emotional response and gets brands talked about in a way that static instore promotions can never do (Saturday Essay, November 23, p26).
However, this position in the argument for TV over instore media fails to take into account the fact many retailers are planning to introduce branded instore TV channels, with programming and advertising content designed specifically for consumption in the instore environment. These channels can combine the emotional benefits of TV while engaging consumers at the point of purchase where they are often actively seeking inspiration and most able to act on impulse.
Diageo-backed Translucis operates one such channel, already reaching 1.3 million consumers per week in a retail environment [Ipsos-RSL].
One of Parker's key points in the argument against instore media is the perceived lack of accountability. Our research shows the effectiveness of this new medium on traditional advertising key measures such as awareness and preference. Advertisers on our channel have benefited from increases in brand preference of up to 71%. What's more, channels such as ours can correlate the effect on sales via EPoS. How much more accountable can a medium be?
Proponents of television may find themselves surprised by what store owners will achieve through strategic application of new media technology and expertise. And they may be surprised at how much spend brands are willing to divert to engage consumers where buying decisions are made.