Wholesalers are urging independent retailers to dispose of any cigarettes which do not bear the UK duty paid mark as quickly as possible, because they face losing money on the packs they cannot sell (The Grocer, April 28, p5). Cash and carry wholesalers this week were displaying posters informing retailers it will be illegal to offer for sale cigarettes and tobacco which do not bear the duty paid mark after June 30. The Federation of Wholesale Distributors said most stock distributed in recent weeks was marked UK duty paid, but there would be remaining unmarked cigarettes at retail level. Some wholesalers decided to withdraw from sale remaining stock they were holding this week. One wholesaler told the Grocer: "It would be far better if independent retailers offered Benson & Hedges at 20p off normal retail price to clear out old stock rather than hold on to it. This will take a conscious effort by every independent retailer and they should do it this weekend." {{NEWS }}