>>when health demands no compromises

The yogurt and chilled pot desserts markets found form again in 2003 as new owners put life into ailing brands. We tested 26 new products in this category last year of which 10 made it into the Top 30 of the most highly rated products of the year - a clear indication of the popularity of this type of product and their role in the contemporary food repertoire.
Yogurt has the edge, consistently achieving higher ratings than pot desserts. Yogurt enjoys greater health values, the products are cheaper and as a result fit a wider range of usage occasions. The downside is that value is also important and a key driver in the achievement of an overall high rating.
What completes the virtuous circle is that yogurt offers a healthy option without compromise on taste or enjoyment. Over the last decade the average new product rating for yogurt has risen by three points. This can clearly be linked to the entry of Müller into the UK market with its sweeter blend of mild yogurt, which contrasted strongly with the more acid base that until then had typified UK supply.
Consumers loved the packaging so pre-trial interest in purchase of this new premium variant was high. Again this Müller product delivered a refreshing and thick and creamy taste that no one rejected for an everyday treat.

This new market entry had strong appeal for 18 to 34-year-old respondents. They loved the trendy packaging and used superlatives to describe the product. Ideal for that occasional treat.

The eye-catching packaging attracted respondents, but the price of £1.89 placed these Fruit Fools firmly at the treat end of the market. The choice of fruits also limited use primarily to adults.
Produced for The Grocer by Cambridge Fast Foodfax®, an independent standardised new product testing service where a sample of 50 consumers rate new products across 10 key performance measures. Maximum score 50. Details on www.fast-foodfax.com.