Jonathan Fitchew

The rise of technology complements fast-moving business practices perfectly. That’s inarguable. But how exactly does this manifest itself? Where do I start?

Constant access to emails via smartphones is only the beginning. With the advent of wearable technology, from Google Glass to smart watches, it’s unclear just how far we can go.

Some argue this surfeit of technology is making businesses cold and impersonal. The face-to-face demonstration is replaced with the webinar. Decisions on business relationships are at the mercy of a CRM system. The art of negotiation has been reduced to the nuances of email wording. However, in truth, this is a wider opinion on how technology has affected society.

Those interested in business - and more specifically sales - will always thrive around people. This means that technological changes like the ones I’ve mentioned are a boon, not a hindrance, enhancing the efficiency and pace of commerce. From simulating our new London offices’ interior with a virtual reality headset to the introduction of blended digital learning, technology is now an overarching theme within our business - in ways both big and small.

The relationship between technology and business in the 21st century has become one of co-dependency. As technology advances, business becomes faster-moving. The result? Businesses demand technology that is more and more sophisticated in order to stay on top. However, there is risk attached to this. You only need to take a look at Samsung’s recent misstep, having to recall combusting smartphones at an estimated cost of $1bn, to see that. You just cannot overestimate the importance of testing technology before fusing it within your business.

The ways in which candidates entering the workplace look, train for and even value roles have been shaped irrevocably by technology. Recruitment and training must adapt and respond in kind. This goes beyond impulse social media advertising, beyond an online training course. A holistic strategy is required. We must develop a greater understanding of how technology has changed jobseekers’ attitudes.

The evolution of technology does not simply mirror the evolution of business - it embodies it. Those working at all levels of business must recognise this, or fear being left behind.