Expert's verdict...13/25

This tipple has a most distinctive and unusual flavour and would fit into a niche category. The idea of a tea-based liqueur is both original and intriguing. However, with the tea market declining and fans of the hot beverage ageing, there is unlikely to be a great demand for Voyant Chai. The packaging is not suitable for the liqueur-drinking market, and the drink is unlikely to appeal to the majority of tea drinkers. The earthenware look and feel, combined with Asiatic design, does not work for me.

John Taylor, head of buying - impulse, MBL

Consumer's verdict...15/25

The packaging is subtle and sophisticated and the bottle looks fabulous. I was expecting an upmarket version of Baileys, but I was soon put off by the slightly medicinal smell and the faint taste of liquorice. I also found the tipple to be a bit on the sweet side. On a more positive note, it had a nice creamy texture and an almost chocolaty taste, which did grow on me after a few sips. I would drink this again if offered, but I would not buy it.

Lynne Green, housewife, Northern Ireland

Overall verdict...28/50

Césu Special Export Company: Césu Alus Launch Price: £1.49 per bottle Today's Price: £1.49 per bottle Acid test verdict: 18/50

Césu Special Export, an authentic premium strength beer brewed and bottled in Latvia, hit UK shores about a year ago. It was first distributed by Césu UK, but is now available in the UK through Baltic Trade. Césu UK insisted that its decision to cease distribution was due to financial constraints rather than lack of interest. "We had to stop the brand because Césu UK did not have the ability and funds to develop the beer on a national scale," said co-founder Stephen Chandler. "This is not a reflection of the brand's performance."