A ll of you are here for a really good reason. You’re here because you’re the next leaders of this amazing industry. The fact you’re all in this room is incredible.

A massive well done. However what that means is you’re going to go through some growing pains and that’s good, because growth and comfort do not co-exist.

Make sure you utilise your peers, utilise the best people in the room and around you to go through those growing pains with you and broaden your shoulders.

Look out for the common thread among you. Use tonight to remember why you’re here and what that means. How do we take this industry forward in a way that drives it into the future, in terms of innovation, in terms of passion and in terms of our customers?

Because the more customer-focused, relationship-focused and people-focused you are, the further you’ll go. That’s always the difference. Not only are you intelligent, thoughtful and considerate, look how you’re all able to manage relationships, manage people, put people first in the way you talk to them, in the way you collaborate and think about leadership. 

I started my career with Nestle Purina on 6 June 1983. That was over 34 years ago – before these outstanding candidates were even born.

And I still remember in my first week, as a trainee in sales, a meeting with a territory manager who was supposed to be training me. His first words were, ‘Wayne what on earth have you joined this business for? This industry is not going to exist, these roles are not going to exist. You’re coming into a function which is a dying breed.’ But 34 years on I’m still here. And that prediction is as wrong today as it was then.

Similarly frozen food has been written off more times than I’ve had hot dinners. But Birds Eye is growing.

So while it’s true you’re all facing a massive amount of change in this industry, the future is safe with you. You’ve got huge amounts of drive, ambition and authenticity. And these qualities will stand you in great stead as you tackle today’s challenges and turn them into opportunities.