Young’s has unveiled details of its new battered mackerel as it announced the first listings in Tesco and Morrisons.

Young’s latest offering was revealed in January following Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight series on Channel 4, which encouraged consumers to eat more sustainable species and to try mackerel baps at fish and chip shops.

The new product (rsp: £3.99 for a 275g pack) will be part of Young’s Chip Shop range of battered fish. It will be available in 650 Tesco and Morrisons stores across the country from 14 March. Young’s Chip Shop Mackerel would provide an easy way to try different species of sustainable fish, said Young’s Seafood CEO Leendert den Hollander.

“We hope consumers who’ve backed the Fish Fight will help make this product a success,” he ­added.