Corkers Crisps

Corkers: now they’ll have to fill a paddling pool with dip

Who actually shares sharing bags? We may buy them with good intentions, but we always end up guiltily, sweatily scoffing the lot and hoping no one finds out.

Now, as this picture indicates, things are really getting out of hand. Even Bogof would struggle to put away the 1,140kg bag created by Corkers crisps last week.

The ginormo-bag, which stands at 7.6 metres high, was created by teams of Corkers craftspeople, who worked in shifts to fill up the spud-sack. The company is claiming to have nearly doubled the previous world record, and is touring the country showing it off (and raising money for charity) while it awaits verification of its triumph from Guinness.

While they’re at it, the record people might want to get in touch with their stout-making namesakes - and see if they can find a big enough glass of the black stuff to wash down all those crisps.