Jif is to become Cif in January in a Lever Brothers drive to bring its global operations in line. It is booting out the Jif name because Cif is more popular across multinational operations. The cleaning products are currently available in 60 countries worldwide, and are called Cif in 40. Esra Erkal-Paler, Lever Brothers corporate relations manager, said: "We are really bringing the UK in line with the rest of the world. We wanted to be able to grow the brand holistically, and the difference in logo was holding us back." Innovative new cleaning products will be launched under the Cif logo in the course of the year. The relaunch of the 27 year old brand will be supported by a £5m marketing campaign including TV ads, direct mail and press activity. Jif packaging, which was revamped earlier this year, will now undergo a logo tweak with C replacing the J. {{P&P }}
